企业等级: | 普通会员 |
经营模式: | 生产加工 |
所在地区: | 上海 上海 |
联系卖家: | DAI 先生 |
手机号码: | 15901942705 |
公司官网: | www.xkon-electr... |
公司地址: | 沪闵路3078# |
发布时间:2018-07-17 07:25:32
由于800XA 6.0版本的上线,原5.0以下版本的ABB控制器 PM861AK01 升级更新对应表如下:
AC 800M is a family of rail-mounted modules, c***isting of CPU:s, communication modules, power supply modules and various accessories. There are several CPU modules to choose from, ranging from medium processor power and low cost to high processor power and support for full redundancy.
The Compact Control Builder is a powerful tool for creating control soluti*** and re-usable control libraries for ABB's AC 800M. Based on the Windows®-based environment, the software offers a wide range of control functionality for AC 800M including integration of ABB Drives and Motor Starters.
From binary logic to advanced regulatory control, from discrete process signals to high-level process objects. Supporting standard IEC 61131-3 programming languages, Compact Control Builder is the tool for engineering the control code and the ha***are layout of AC 800M. It creates logic, sequential and analog control-intensive automation soluti*** for all existing controllers in the automation system to be handled in one database.
Compact Control Builder AC 800M 6.0.0-1 is now released and contains the following updates.
Further enhanced ***ailability:
• Improved fail over handling for redundant controllers, when low level software excepti*** are detected.
• Modbus RTU Redundancy at Application Level.
Increased flexibility:
• Software support for AC 800M controller PM858. PM858 is the lowest performance redundant controller, and is a perfect fit for ***aller process applicati*** where high ***ailability is a must.
Improved lifecycle support:
• Support for more S100 I/O boa***.
• Support for Windows 10 Pro and Windows 10 Enterprise as well as continued support for Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012 R2, 64-bit versi*** of Windows 7 and Server 2008.
• Support for Microsoft Office 2016.
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上海宣控电气自动化有限公司 电话:021-60947015 传真:021-60947015 联系人:DAI 15901942705
地址:沪闵路3078# 主营产品:ABBPLCAC500、XKON、无线PLC、变频柜、电磁流量计
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