企业等级: | 普通会员 |
经营模式: | 生产加工 |
所在地区: | 上海 上海 |
联系卖家: | DAI 先生 |
手机号码: | 15901942705 |
公司官网: | www.xkon-electr... |
公司地址: | 沪闵路3078# |
发布时间:2018-08-30 04:12:20
ABB SCADA变电站电力自动化监控系统
MicroSCADA Pro SYS600
MicroSCADA Pro提供不同装置、系统间的无缝整合与连接,保障对变电站的优化控制与可靠操作。它支持多种标准和事实标准的通信协议与接口。
MicroSCADA Pro帮助Slovnaft公司实现对每座变电站的远程控制
The introduction of a new interface to MicroSCADA Pro aligns the application with the paradigms used in the latest version of Microsoft Windows, providing an intuitive interface which can be customised by individual users. Faster servers ensure that data is presented promptly and completely, allowing operators to make accurate judgements and, thanks to the interconnecti*** across the site, to quickly implement those decisi***.
The large screens, and innovative interface design, was what attracted Slovnaft to the latest version of MicroSCADA Pro. 20 workstati*** now display that high-quality information to managing staff across the site, and the migration was performed without any disruption to the operation of the refinery, or its supporting infrastructure.
MicroSCADA Pro can now be used to remotely manage the entire electrical network, and with support for the latest industry standa*** it ensures that Slovnaft can maintain the technical lead that has served it so well for more than a century.
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上海宣控电气自动化有限公司 电话:021-60947015 传真:021-60947015 联系人:DAI 15901942705
地址:沪闵路3078# 主营产品:ABBPLCAC500、XKON、无线PLC、变频柜、电磁流量计
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